Killing Us Softly 3: Advertising’s Image of Women
Tony Porter: A call to men
The documentary film, Killing Us Softly III, It is targeted at women and men who are bombarded with advertisements every day.It takes a more recent view of advertising’s negative
portrayal and impact on American society and culture.It also discusses the pressure women feel to be
beautiful. If a specific type of beauty (young, white, thin...) is not
obtained than the message it gives is that you are not worthy or valuable.A main point in the clip is that of women being objectified in
advertisements. Often only one part of the body is emphasized so not only
is a woman ‘a thing’ but only one part of that thing is focused on. Breasts,
for example, are used to sell any and everything.It can be concluded that today advertisements portray women in an extremely
dangerous and unfavorable light. Women are used as objects, animals and are suitable
to subjection for male violence. These kinds of portrayals can be embarrassing and
devaluing to the female self perception.Whatever the
action may be, it is integral that both men and women take a stand against the
objectification and violence of women portrayed in advertisements for future
Porter tells powerful stories from his own life, including a story of
rape, showing how a "mentality, drummed into so many men and boys, can
lead men to disrespect, mistreat and abuse women and each other." He
notes men are part of the solution and problem, promoting a specific
solution to men: break free of the "man box."
socialization, the process by which people learn the characteristics of their group—the attitudes, values, and actions that are thought
appropriate for them. Learning is what creates our sense of who we are as
a man or woman—our gender identity.Both video relate to each other and also explains that the society expects different attitudes and behaviors from boys and girls. Gender
socialization is the tendency for boys and girls to be socialized differently. Boys are
raised to conform to the male gender role, and girls are raised to conform to the female gender
or role.

ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing. The image you selected is a good one. Actually, a student from one of my previous courses used the same picture. But where is the other picture? You should have used two. Also, I don't get any of your own experiences expressed in your entry.